Accelerate Your Business Growth Beyond Your Wildest Dreams

Download Our Proven Marketing Blueprint Guide And Create A Marketing Plan That Will Get You Crazy Results For Your Business.

Get Your Hands On A Marketing Blueprint Template That Has Generated Over $250 million For Small Businesses in the Last 3 Years!

As a small business owner, congratulations for still having a business to go back to.

Planning, adaptation, and community support will be essential to the continued survival and growth of your business in this economic hard times.

Hello, my name is Brian, co-founder of WEB ROI AGENCY. For the last 11 years, I was working as a Marketing Strategist leading marketing strategies for some of the top brands in the world. Over those years, I developed and led some of the most successful marketing campaigns for both Fortune 500 and smaller companies alike.

For example, I developed a campaign that generated

~ $50 million in Amazon transaction volume for small to medium businesses in just 90 days!

So, how did I come about such a marketing blueprint that generates such insane results?

Through my years working on several hundreds internet marketing campaigns, I collected a massive amount of data. Through trial and error, I observed gained insight into which approaches work best.

"Working with Web ROI Agency was something new for us as we haven't had much experience using a marketing company. Since we were working on a rebrand and relaunch of our firm, we came across Brian who has been great from the beginning. He took the basic ideas that we outlined for him and knocked it out of the park. a 5/5 all around on delivery and aiding us in our new marketing strategies.
Julian Tolliver

Everything You Need to Create
An effective Marketing Blueprint For Your Business

Analysis to strategy, audiences and opportunities defined

Why you need a marketing blueprint

Components of a marketing blueprint

The three stage process to creating a marketing blueprint

How to test and optimize your strategy

How to track and measure success of your marketing

Congratulations, You Still Had A Business To Go Back To. But The Real Journey To Recovery Begins Now.

The crucial difference between your small business making it through these challenges is whether you act now to give your business the best chance, or not.

"The pessimist complains about the wind; the optimist expects it to change; the realist adjusts the sails."

William Arthur Ward

How can you give your business the best chance not only to recover, but thrive in this economic outlook?

Double Down On Marketing

Whatever you do, never stop marketing! If you weren’t actively marketing before, you're going to need to start right away if you're going to successfully weather the economic after-effects of COVID-19.

"But that sounds counter-intuitive. Shouldn’t I be cutting down costs?", Some Say.

For many small businesses, an economic downturn may seem like the perfect time to cut down marketing costs, and many do, but such a decision would be detrimental in both the short and long-term.

Here is why marketing is the key to business recovery, continuity and growth right now.

Counter High Customer Attrition

You will need new customers to counter the higher customer attrition caused by the reduced spending power of your target consumers.

Avoid high costs of marketing

Marketing costs generally skyrocket as a result of marketing agencies and advertising media raising rates to cover their fixed costs in the absence of enough business.

offense is the best defense

You want to jumpstart your recovery now rather than later because the longer you wait, the more you would have to dig your firm out of a financial hole.

However, that does not mean that you should just continue with your “regular” marketing strategy or revive your old marketing plan.

In any economic slowdown, consumers spend differently. They look to get more value out of their purchases more than ever. As a result,  this is no time for “shooting in the dark” and hope to hit something. You need to refine, sharpen, and be precise with your marketing campaign. You need to optimize your marketing strategy for the current economic environment!

Follow This Guide And Watch Your Sales Soar and Your business Thrive!

Here is what you can achieve with a blueprint created following this guide:

Increase efficiency in your processes

Analyze and treat problem areas in your marketing and sales ecosystem to lower operational costs.

build trust & increase referrals

You know what you do, why do it and who do it for. Following our formula to build a marketing blueprint customized just for your business will help you create a unique experience that attract more customers.

Look for opportunities to leapfrog your competitors

While many of your competitors are cutting down their marketing budgets in a panic, this is a perfect time to take market share from your rivals and put yourself in a position to accelerate through the recovery.

Enable More Potential Clients To Find You

Build an optimal mix of channels and delivery strategies to expose your brand message in front of as many potential customers as possible without decimating your company cashflow.

Make The Most of Your Current Clients

Your best potential customers are your current customers. Get help to create and focus your offerings on value and adapt your marketing message to highlight that value especially to your biggest clients.

turn more website visitors into clients

You spend thousands of dollars getting visitors to your website, the worst you could do is not maximize on each visitor. Learn how to get the most out of your current website traffic.

Steps You’ll Learn From This Guide

Research & Discovery

Conduct qualitative research in the context of Market Analysis, Competitive Analysis, Audience Analysis for strategic brand positioning.

Strategy & Implementation

Implement systems that bring efficiency to your lead generation and lead nurturing processes and better experience into your sales and post-sales processes.


Set benchmarks for your marketing Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) to help determine the level of success/failure of all your marketing campaigns.

Marketing Blueprint

Your marketing optimization should typically produce a Marketing Blueprint, which addresses and identifies the elements that have the most impact on marketing and branding planning. It brings clarity, organization, accuracy, and insight to enable your team to make the best decisions possible when planning marketing and branding programs.

For example, we developed a campaign that generated

~ $50 million in Amazon transaction volume for small to medium businesses in just 90 days!


Join Others That Are Already Getting A Head Start.

Your only risk?
Is that you don't request yours now.

We're giving access to this AMAZING marketing blueprint template on a limited basis because we customize it for each request.

so, don't miss out!

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Just sharing some free knowledge that we hope you’ll find useful. Keep us in mind next time you have marketing questions!

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We ask for your information in exchange for a valuable resource in order to (a) improve your browsing experience by personalizing the WEB ROI AGENCY website to your needs; (b) send you marketing communications that we think may be of value or helpful to you.

Get Your Free Marketing Optimization Guide Now.

And Learn How To Create Your Very Own Winning Marketing Blueprint Fortified For Maximized Gains.

Web ROI Agency respects the privacy of your data. All information you provide is only used by Web ROI Agency. We will never sell or share your information.